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Al Jabal Al Akhdar and Wadi Al Muaydin – A Window into Middle Eastern Petroleum Geology

Thursday, 3 October Friday, 4 October 2024, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.  |  Muscat, Oman

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Course Content

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Field Trip Organizer

Al Jabal Al Akhdar, located in the Oman Mountains (North Sultanate of Oman), offers a unique opportunity to examine the full stratigraphic succession of Cryogenian to Cretaceous aged deposits of the eastern Arabian Plate and its complex structural geological history, with the world’s best exposed ophiolite sequence. This area provides excellent outcrop analogs for the Ediacaran and Permo-Mesozoic petroleum systems of the Arabian Plate.

In this two-day fieldtrip the autochthonous Jurassic-Cretaceous carbonate-dominated succession (Mafraq to Natih formations) will be examined in detail in Wadi Al Muaydin, focusing on their cyclicity and facies, and putting these in a regional context. Overnight stay will be at the Saiq plateau, where ancient agricultural terraces can be visited. During day two the structural history of North Oman will be demonstrated in world-class outcrops, depicting, the Hercynian Unconformity, the Pre-Permian deformation and the late Eocene to Oligocene doming of Al Jabal Al Akhdar in a N-S transect of the tectonic window. The combination of breathtaking scenery of deep canyons, ancient habitation, and worldclass geology, makes this field trip an outstanding event.

Field Trip Leaders

Frans van Buchem
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Said Al Balushi
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Andreas Scharf
Sultan Qaboos University
View Bio

$1,148 USD
Registration Deadline Extended:
29 August 2024
Fee Includes:
1 night accommodation in a guest house (3rd October)
Field guide
Water and Drinks


Al Jabal Al Akhdar and Wadi Al Muaydin – A Window into Middle Eastern Petroleum Geology
Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre
Muscat, Masqat



Important Notes Regarding Field Trips

Field Trip Contact
Alicia Collins
Events Coordinator
+1 918 560 2616
[email protected]
  • Before purchasing non-refundable airline tickets, confirm that the trip will take place as trips may be cancelled if undersubscribed.
  • Please register well before 5 August 2024. Field trip cancellation due to low enrollment will be considered at this time. No refunds will be allowed on field trips after this date.
  • Field trips are limited in size and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and must be accompanied by full payment.
  • If you do not plan on attending the conference, a U.S. $30 enrollment fee will be added to the field trip fee. This fee may be applied toward registration if you decide to attend the conference at a later date.
  • A wait list is automatically created if a field trip sells out. AAPG will notify you if space becomes available
  • We will continue to take registrations for field trips not cancelled until they are either sold out or closed.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations can be made by contacting ICE Registration on or before 5 August via email at [email protected]
  • Cancellations received on or before 5 August will receive a refund LESS a US $75 processing fee.
  • Refunds will not be issued after 5 August or for “no shows.”
  • You may substitute one participant for another.

