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Saturday, 28 September

08:00–17:00 Pre Conference Student Workshop: 3D Reservoir Modeling

Sunday, 29 September

07:30–17:00 Pre Conference Field Trip 1: Oman Geological Heritage: The Semail Ophiolite
08:00–14:00 Pre Conference Field Trip: 5: Muscat Geo-Tour
08:00–17:00 Pre Conference Short Course 1: Mature Field Evaluation - Overview, Case Histories and Lessons
08:00–17:00 Pre Conference Short Course 2: Petrophysics of Complex Reservoirs. Key Insights and Novel Techniques
08:00–17:00 Pre Conference Short Course 3: Application of Trace Fossils to Petroleum Exploration
08:00–17:00 Pre Conference Short Course 5: Subsurface Aspects for CO2 Storage
17:00–19:30 Registration Open
18:00–19:30 Icebreaker Reception

Monday, 30 September

08:00–18:00 Registration Open
09:00–09:30 Opening Ceremony
09:30–10:15 Inauguration of Exhibition, Coffee Break and Posters
10:15–11:45 Executive Plenary Session: The Role of Geosciences in Shaping our Energy Future
11:45–13:15 Lunch
12:00–13:00 Students and Young Professionals Inspire X Luncheon Session:
Geoscience and all SDGs – Empowering Young Generations for Global Impact and Inclusivity Panel Discussion
13:15–14:40 Special Session: Lessons from the Past, the Key to a Prosperous Future in the Middle East
13:15–14:40 Oral Sessions
14:40–15:10 Coffee Break and Posters
15:10–16:35 Oral Sessions
16:35–16:50 Coffee Break
16:50–18:15 Oral Sessions
18:15–19:30 End of Day Reception
18:15–19:30 Students and Young Professionals Meet and Greet

Tuesday, 1 October

08:00–17:15 Registration Open
08:00–09:00 Welcome Coffee and Posters
08:00–18:45 Exhibition Open
09:00–10:30 Plenary Session: Why is Oil and Gas ‘Needed and Not Wanted’ - Can we Change the Public Perception?
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break and Posters
11:00–12:25 Special Session: Unleashing the Future: Advancing Geoscience Education for the Next Generation
11:00–12:25 Oral Sessions
12:25–13:55 Lunch
12:40–13:40 Students and Young Professionals Inspire X Luncheon Session: If I Were Writing a Career to do List for the Next 5 Years
13:55–15:20 Special Session: Geotourism – Connecting People to Earth
13:55–15:20 Oral Sessions
14:00–17:00 ROGII's Student Geosteering Competition
15:20–15:50 Coffee Break and Posters
15:50–17:15 Oral Sessions
17:15–18:45 End of Day Reception

Wednesday, 2 October

08:00–17:15 Registration Open
08:00–09:00 Welcome Coffee and Posters
08:00–17:15 Exhibition Open
09:00–10:30 Plenary Session: Empowering Energy Futures - The Role of AI in Advancing Geosciences
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break and Posters
11:00–12:25 Special Session: Securing the Future: Sustaining Groundwater Management in the Middle East
11:00–12:25 Oral Sessions
12:25–13:55 Lunch
13:55–15:20 Oral Sessions
15:20–15:50 Coffee Break and Posters
15:50–17:15 Oral Sessions

Thursday, 3 October

07:30–17:00 Post Conference Field Trip 1: Geology of the Late Cretaceous Natih-E Intra-Shelf Basin
07:30–17:00 Post Conference Field Trip 2 (2 Days): Al Jabal Al Akhdar and Wadi Al Muaydin – A Window into Middle Eastern Petroleum Geology

